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Torn between thoughts 22 11 06 - 11:46 Category: fools science. Double thoughts about the palm plantations and rainforest in Indonesia and Malaysia. Last summer my girlfriend and me had a 28 day vacation to the Malaysian part of the Island Borneo.

We travelled with a small group of Dutch people. We had a very good time over there with lots of hikings through the jungle.

Amerigas Training Handbook: Software Free Download
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We visited some local tribes, the Iban and stayed with them for a couple of days. Although these tribes have been visited by tourists a couple of years now, the life they live is still quite primitive (in our view). The first thing I noticed was that they have a very different perception about the animal life around them.

While we see animal wildlife (especially in Borneo) see as things we must protect, they see them as food. They eat literally everything that has the guts to come near the village. They don't see see the rare probiscus monkeys as endangered species but like something that is very tasty. There are nomadic tribes that stay in an area for a couple of months until all food resources are fully used up, then they move to an adjacent area.

At first I thought this a bad thing but later I changed my view on this. We in the rich west have plenty of money and time to worry about things that happen in the world. So we say we must protect this or that animal or rainforest. For them the world is their village and maybe the closest bigger town.

They have no real notice about the rest of the world and how it is destroyed (mainly by the industies of the west). Something similar goes for the palm plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia. While the Malaysian government has decided to stop the cutting of the rainforest as much as possible, tghe Indonisian government still allows that area's the size of small cities are cut down every day. Leaving the animals that depend on the rainforest for survival stranded on small separated pieces of forest. On my vacation we also travelled to the east of Malaysian Borneo where large area's of rainforest have been cut to make way for huge palm plantations. One day we drove by one such a plantation for more than three hours. With palms as far as we could look in every direction.


We all got a very sad feeling from this. The primary rainforest had to be replaced by the plantation for the palm oil that we in the west like to use in soaps and other products. My first reaction to this was to blame the people who owned the land and the large palmoil companies. But rethinking this later on made me changed my mind. Can the local people really be blamed? For people who happen to own a piece of land containing primary rainforest the choice is quite simple. The rainforest itself does provide much income.

Maybe some rubber from the rubber trees but mainly the land is unused. When a large company comes and offers a lot of money for land that you don't use much anyway, the decision is quickly made. The cutting of the trees and building of the new plantation provide a lot of work for local people. Thus stimulating the local economy which helps the country. When the country becomes richer it can look for long term solutions on preserving the rainforest while at the same time having a healthy economy.

You might think by now that I totally approve of the the cutting of the rainforest in favor of the plantations. Which ofcourse is not true. I am a lover of any wildlife and vegetation everywhere in the world. But before accusing anyone I think that we should see the whole picture instead of just a part which many people do. So how can we solve this big problem. This is ofcourse not so easy but I think there are some short term and longer term solutions. First we must start with ourselves.


We are the ones that want to have cheap palmoil in our soaps. So the demand for the products is coming mainly from the west. By not buying products like this we can reduce the demands and with that the profits that is being made by the companies that sell the products.

But this is not enough. We must somehow make the rainforest worth more when it is intact than when it is cut down for other purposes. In my opinion this can be done by ecotourism. If we tourists are willing to pay just to view the forests with all it's animal and plantlife, people can make more money by preserving the forests and indirectly the animals. I was very glad to see that are a couple of projects running in Malaysia where this is done. The WWF is sponsering a project called the 'corridor of life. They buy small pieces of land to connect the separated area's of rainforest left.

Buy doing this they enlarge the living space of the larger and smaller animals in the forest. Another project called sepilok rehabilitaion center is using tourism to pay for the rehabilition of Urang Utangs. There are more projects like these two.

I call upon you all to sponsor these projects and help the presevation of the rainforests on the long term.

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